
Starlink discovers Skynet

Anyone who closely follows my work knows that there are already all the prerequisites for creating ultra-fast Internet, and here's something else - StarLink has announced the launch of special satellites into space that will be able to provide 4G services from space for ordinary smartphones. The...

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Quantum entanglement is love

Continuing the theme of the microcosm - last year The Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for the future quantum internet. This is the name of the communication networks through which not just electrons or photons travel, but electrons and photons that preserve their quantum states. The main thing...

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The Quantum World and the Attosecond Laser

And now let's dive into the amazing world of quantum physics. Recently, three scientists received the Nobel Prize in Physics for the so-called photographs of the process of separation of one electron from an atom using an attosecond laser! I did not check it myself, but there is an opinion that this...

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The ring of fire – lunar eclipse

Despite the war in Ukraine and already in Israel, this Saturday America (unfortunately only there) will be visited by a stunning astronomical spectacle - an annular eclipse, during which the Moon crosses the Sun and leaves a "ring of fire" around it. An annular eclipse occurs when the Moon is too...

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two Jupiters – two destinies

The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered "planets" the size of Jupiter that move freely in space and are not gravitationally bound to any star. Scientists were especially surprised that these objects apparently move in pairs. According to one version, the planets formed in that part of the...

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